Fitness Genetics – What can it tell me?
Staying fit and healthy is something we all know we should strive towards. Whether we want to improve our cardio health to reduce the risk of future disease or to chase that endorphin high, staying fit should always be of importance. For most people, it is hard to get started and even harder to stay in routine – everyone would do it if it were easy, right? Yet, sometimes, there can come a point where you feel as if you are fighting a losing battle. The effort and mindset are in place, yet for some reason, the type of results that should be showing, are not. Maybe, after all, it isn’t your lack of trying but actually your body holding you back.
Each person has a differing genetic makeup, controlling everything that makes up, well, you! Therefore, when it comes to things such as exercise and how your body adapts and develops, your genetics should have a say in that too. With our new health and fitness genetic packages at Coyne Medical, we aim to combine medicine and technology for an in-depth analysis of how your body works. Whether it be understanding nutritional needs, what foods are best for meeting those needs or optimising exercise measures such as oxidative stress. We will be able to see what works best for your body on an exercise and nutritional level.
But how does this work? As somewhat alien as this process may seem, the science behind the technology is irrefutable. 110 genetic variants are examined via a saliva sample, creating the foundation of analysis for your doctor. Scientifically backed by research, this information can be used to allow you to prepare your body for the best it can be – to run that marathon just a bit faster, to lose that last stubborn 5kg or simply to show that on the molecular level, we are all definitely not the same.
To find out more about how genetic testing can help you understand your body, jump on our website or give us a call on 020 7731 3077.