Welcome to your Cryotherapy Membership

Thank you for choosing Coyne Medical. We can’t wait to start looking after you and your health.

If you have any questions about your membership please get in touch with us at reception@coynemedical.com.

Consent Forms + Further Information

If you have not done a cryotherapy session with us at Coyne Medical before then please take a few minutes to read over both of the documents below:

If you would like to speed up the process when you arrive for your first session, please feel free to print and sign both of the forms listed above and either bring them into the clinic when you come, or email copies to reception@coynemedical.com. Don’t worry if you don’t have access to a printer; we can provide paper copies when you arrive for your session.

If you would like to read more about cryotherapy in general, please see the document below that Dr Hugh Coyne has put together for our clients:

Covid-19 Secure

We have taken every precaution and have a high level of personal protective equipment in order to keep you safe. It is essential people with possible Covid-19 symptoms (fever, cough, loss of sense of smell or taste within the last 14 days) or who have been advised to isolate due to government guidance or NHS Test and Trace should not come to the clinic. We arrange to see people with possible Covid-19 symptoms by video consultation initially and then in the clinic or at home if needed with additional special precautions. If your symptoms or situation changes before your appointment then you MUST not come to the clinic and should contact us for further advice.

Ready to book your first appointment?


Book online 24/7 quickly and easily; no login or password required.

Any problems or can’t find the appointment you need? Drop our reception team an email or call and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

If it is your first appointment, choose Cryotherapy – Introductory Session. If you have already had a session with us before, choose Cryotherapy – Regular Session.